
Follow the link below for physics revision resources:

Set 13/4
Due 15/4
Complete the last 2 questions from the exam questions sheet started in class today

Some momentum conservation practice questions to work on:
1    A billiard ball of mass 0.01 kg moves at a velocity of +12 m/s and hits a stationary billiard ball that has twice the mass of the moving ball. The first billiard ball comes to a halt. What is the new velocity of the larger ball?
2    A man of mass 80 kg is running at a steady velocity of 4 m/s. He doesn’t watch where he is going and bumps into a shopping trolley full of shopping, getting stuck to it in the process. The trolley and shopping have a mass of 40 kg. What velocity do the man, the trolley and the shopping have now?
3    A bumper car of mass 100 kg with a driver of mass 50 kg moves at a steady velocity of +2 m/s. It bumps into an unoccupied stationary bumper car and gets ‘locked’ so that they both now move in the same direction as the original car. Assuming the bumper cars are of the same mass, what velocity are they both now moving at?
4    A driver of mass 100 kg gets into the second bumper car (also of mass 100 kg) and reaches a velocity of +3 m/s. He drives straight into another bumper car (again of mass 100 kg), which is driving straight at him ‘head on’ at a velocity of –2 m/s. The mass of the occupant of this car is 30 kg. What happens in this case?
5    A bullet of mass 0.005 kg speeds through the air at a velocity of +444 m/s. It hits a wooden ‘brick’ of mass 0.5 kg, which is resting on ice. The bullet gets stuck in the block. What is the final velocity of the wooden block and bullet?
6    A cyclist of mass 70 kg on a bicycle of mass 30 kg is moving along a flat road at a velocity of 10 m/s. He picks up a package of mass 25 kg and as a result he slows down. What velocity does he travel at now?

7    A volcano erupts, spewing out 1 000 000 000 rocks of average mass 1 kg in a northerly direction. Assuming these rock fragments all go in the same direction, what recoil motion does the mountain, which has a mass of 1 000 000 000 tonnes, experience?
The average speed of the rock fragments is 200 m/s and 1000 kg = 1 tonne.

Set Weds 24/02/16
Due Fri 26/02/16
Describe how a cyclotron accelerates protons. 
- A labelled diagram
- Why the protons travel in a circle in the cyclotron
- What causes the protons to speed up

Set Weds 10/02/16
Due Fri 12/02/16
Complete the following 6 mark question:

Positrons (β+ particles) are emitted from the nuclei of some atoms.
Electrons (β− particles) are emitted from the nuclei of other atoms.
The table gives some information about quarks.
Describe, in terms of quarks, how β+ particles are emitted from the nuclei of some atoms and β− particles are emitted from the nuclei of others.


Weds 27/01/16
Due Weds 03/02/16
Here are some nuclear equations to practice working on:
Write the alpha decay equation for these isotopes:

Write the beta-  decay equation for these isotopes:

Friday 08/01/2016
Homework due Weds 13th Jan
Complete detailed notes (at least 4 pages) on P3 topic 1 and 2 in preparation for the test on Friday

Thurs 26/11
To help you prepare for mock exams next week, I have uploaded all available P1 papers for you to access, along with markschemes.

They can be found in the folder at this link.

Set weds 7/10
Due weds 14/10
The kinetic energy (KE) of an electron is given by the equation:

where m is the mass of an electron in kg and v is the velocity of the electron in m/s.

The kinetic energy of an electron can also be expressed as:

KE = e × V
where e is the charge on an electron in coulombs and V is the potential difference that accelerates the electron in volts.

1 Calculate the kinetic energy of an electron when the potential difference is:
a) 750 V
b) 3500 V
c) 50 kV
d) 600 kV

5 Calculate the velocity of the electron for question 4a. The mass of an electron is

Set 18/9
Due 23/9

Try the following practice questions:
1. What is the power of a lens with the following focal lengths
a) 0.5m
c) 30mm

2. Describe how to measure the focal length of a lens (3 marks)
3. Which type of lens gives a real image?
4. Which type of lens only gives a virtual image?
You might need to look up the answer to question 3 and 4.

This Friday in tutor time we are launching the year 11 morning revision program. You must use your core science workbooks and revision guides you were given last year to prepare for this test. Anyone achieving below half-marks must attend a revision session the following Wednesday during tutor time.

Your homework to prepare for this is to complete pg 3-13 in your workbooks by Friday. This will be checked in your Friday lesson.

Click on this link to see the timeline for your homeworks and tests for this term.

Well done - everyone present last Friday (4th Sept) handed HW in on Wednesday 9th Sept. Keep it up!

Set 11/09/15
Due 16/09/15

Extended answer question practice - 6 marks.
Give the advantages and disadvantages of the 3 main methods of vision correction.